Child Custody And Child Support


For couples with children, the divorce process can be especially complex. Not only must you consider your personal well-being, but you will also need to account for the financial and emotional needs of your children.

Our Attorneys Are Dedicated To Protecting Your Parent-Child Relationship

At Smith, Dickey & Dempster P.A., we help families navigate the divorce processes involving child custody and child support. For some, resolving these matters simply involves sitting down and drafting amicable parenting time agreements and payment amounts. For others, divorce proceedings stall as each side digs in once we begin discussing custody and the amount of child support that will be paid or received.

With years of experience working with families facing all types of circumstances, we understand the issues facing modern families in our local communities. By working closely with you, we will help set emotions aside and take a practical approach to reaching a solution. Although alternative dispute resolution methods are often favorable to contentions litigation, we are a team of trial lawyers that understands when it’s in your best interests to fight and when to sit down at the negotiations table.

The courts will approve arrangements that are in the best interests of the child. There are various factors that play into this assessment, including:

  • The preferences of the child if he or she is old enough or mature enough to state a preference
  • The proposed living conditions both parents are presenting
  • The financial well-being of both parents
  • The pre-existing relationship each parent has with the child/children
  • Any acts of domestic violence or abuse on the part of both parents

Similar to child custody arrangements, the amount of child support you stand to pay or receive can vary depending on the circumstances. There are specific guidelines that will allow us to approximate the amount, but each case is different and can vary depending on factors such as your custody arrangement, your income, changes in your child’s medical needs and the number of children you have who need support.

How Much Is All This Child Support Going To Cost Me?

Many clients come to us concerned with the costs associated with child support. The truth is, the amounts vary from case to case. When you sit down with our lawyers, you will have an opportunity to voice concerns, gather information and come away with a clearer picture of what to expect.

If you need help enforcing an existing order or wish to make modifications due to a change in circumstance, we can help you take appropriate action.

We encourage you to reach out and schedule a consultation at our Fayetteville law office by calling or by completing our online contact form.

We charge an $ 80 consultation fee for family law matters.